


The purpose of this ministry is to exalt the acts of God; exposit the truth of God; and exhort the people of God. This ministry does this by exalting the truth of what God has done to redeem and rescue people from sin and death, which is the power of God for their salvation (Romans 1:16); expositing the whole counsel of God for the people of God by faithfully explaining (2 Timothy 2:15) his living and active Word (Hebrews 4:12-13) for the sanctification of his people; and, exhorting the people of God to observe God’s truth for their new lives lived in Christ, by reforming their lives to God’s word as the Holy Spirit works conform their lives to God’s Son. This ministry is responsible for delivering the word of the Lord that uplifts, corrects, encourages, rebukes, and brings God’s people into a right understanding of God in accordance with sound and biblical doctrines for spiritual growth.


The Great Commission is a mandate of the Church given by the head of the Church – Christ. He calls every member of the Church to not only share the good news of Christ to people but to also to lead them into discipleship to conform to the image of Christ. 

This ministry will be responsible for Evangelism in the Tampa Bay Area, by offering a comprehensive ministry strategy for winning unbelievers to Christ through church-wide training and development, as well as recruitment of gift-specific evangelism teams. The Evangelism Ministry helps all believers take advantage of opportunities to make known the message of the gospel to the unsaved.

This can be by street preaching, by encouraging one-on-one evangelistic testimony with prayer and training, and encouraging the church to be a part of community events to use them as an avenue for the gospel.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20


The purpose of this ministry is to collectively grasp an understanding of God through His Word. This ministry calls all church members to join their local bible study group to grow spiritually and benefit from the fellowship of other believers,  by exploring the scriptures in greater depth, asking questions, and gaining wisdom from others who are also interested in learning more about God’s Word. 

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom..” 

Colossians 3:16

This ministry helps provide information to join their local bible study group, provides bible study curriculum, and checks up with bible study facilitators to see what each group has been learning.



The purpose of this ministry is to lead the development and implementation of a music ministry that is focused on helping people experience true worship, strengthening the faith of believers, leading people to Christ, and glorifying God. This ministry also encourages and challenges the church to take advantage of personal and corporate worship as an opportunity to intentionally meet God. It sets an appropriate atmosphere for worship and encourages the active participation by those in attendance.


The purpose of the prayer ministry is to intercede to God constantly on behalf of the church leaders and its members, encourage and motivate the church members to develop a prayer life. This ministry plans and conducts prayer meetings or sessions to help lead the church members to pray for specific concerns and needs of people known or unknown to us. This ministry is responsible for promoting and encouraging the church members to participate in the weekly prayer activities and staying informed of those who are sick, hospitalized, persecuted and troubled, in order to pray for them and visit them.


This area of ministry is responsible for making sure that the church is able to effectively share the word of the Lord and to those beyond the local church using video and audio media for the spreading of the gospel. They are also responsible for equipment that is used in the congregation so that everyone can hear the word of God and meet God in worship.



The purpose of men’s ministry is to spread and celebrate the word of God among brothers. It encourages men to be their best, promoting right action, responsibility and the fulfillment of duty in the service of the highest Christian ideals. Men’s ministry also provides fraternal support to help men rise to the unique challenges that fathers, husbands and community members face.


The purpose of this ministry is to encourage women in their faith by fostering a fellowship where they experience finding the strength to go on in life despite the trials, and realizing they do not walk this journey alone. The benefits of this ministry include having a safe space to share struggles and prayer requests; developing meaningful friendships; accountability; spiritual growth; blessing other relationships in their lives as a result of their maturing; and offering opportunities to serve and use spiritual gifts.


This ministry is dedicated to seeing the church is served in every facet – namely its holistic needs. Deacons assist the pastor and elders in taking care of the congregation and the many details of conducting worship and charitable works through the church.

Deacons set up and prepare the table for the administration of the Lord’s Supper; visit the sick and needy of the church; and prepare necessary matters for church meetings. If a conflict arises within the church, the deacons assist the pastor and elders in easing any tensions or resolving conflict.

“Pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty”

Acts 6:3



This ministry is dedicated to building a new generation of young men and women find their identity solidified in the God that formed them and redeemed them. This ministry strives to build a community of youth that loves Jesus and is ready to share that love in ministry to their church and beyond. This ministry believes that this ministry age group from middle school to college is the opportune time for youth to know their God (Ecclesiastes 12:1) and who he is calling them to be in his word.

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.”

Psalms 119:9


The goal of this ministry is to nurture Children into a loving and committed relationship with Jesus through the message of the gospel. Just as Hannah placed Samuel back into God’s hand under Eli’s ministry, this ministry strives to place these children into their creator’s hands knowing that he knows how to truly care for them and raise them into a new generation running after God.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6


Christ is and must be acknowledged as the Savior and Head of every home. In Him, family members are at peace with God and at peace with each other. As they are drawn near to Him they are drawn nearer to each other, in love, forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration, and renewal. This ministry strives to use the gospel as an avenue to bring Godly counsel to help rebuild families that make up our church community, as an individual and as a family unit.

“We know that healthy people make healthy families, and healthy families make healthy churches.”

– Eron Green, President and CEO of STCH Ministries



This committee is responsible for the financial assets of the church. This church provides other appropriate ministries and committees of the church’s abilities to acquire new assets including properties, and media equipment and the church’s ability to host events and conferences. The church is also responsible for ensuring that the church’s finances are regularly updated and that the church is able to maximize its endeavors by applying to church scholarships and grants and by building partnerships with other churches. 


This committee is responsible for meeting regularly to discuss prospect properties that the church might be able to buy to establish the church’s footprint within the community and to give the church ministries more freedom to move within a liberated jurisdiction. This committee also discusses with the elders and the finance and fundraising committee to see if the church has the power to buy property. In the event that the church is not ready to buy a property, this committee searches for rental properties for a more feasible rate until the church has enough capital to get a property of its own.


This committee welcomes church members to propose creative ideas that could help the church raise money primarily for buying a property and to also cover costs for any needs that the church ministries may have. This committee is encouraged to leverage the resources and expertise of the media ministry to maximize the outreach for fundraising opportunities.